Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Event 4: CNSI: Waste Matters: You are my Future

I had recently visited an art exhibit at CNSI featuring Kathy High and Waste Matters: You are my future. High is an American artist working with technology, science and art. She greatly focuses on the biological sciences and the politics and ethics regarding this broad field.

This exhibit focuses on the human body and a biological system. Despite the fact that we, the human is in control of the body, there still exists an uncountable amount of other living organisms that are involved. They are a variety of life such as bacteria and yeast that live within our system in different parts of our body including the respiratory system, digestive system and the integumentary system. Within all of these systems, the other organisms find a way to live and to balance with our life. In fact many of these biological organisms are required for our life and therefore live cooperatively with their human hosts.

At an even closer look, High explores the process of fecal transplantation. This process is the movement of healthy colon bacteria from a donor to a person suffering from a compromised gastrointestinal tract. As an individual suffering from Crohn’s disease, High is extremely driven to explore this type of process that involves a human system. Through her art, she hopes to explore, explain and extrapolate this idea of an internal system coming out of balance and how certain processes such as fecal transplantation can be a first step in re-mediating the imbalance.

For High, the art in this exhibit stems directly from her experience with this disease. She hopes this type of expression will encourage cooperation between different parts of society to potentially work towards a solution for Crohn’s disease.

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